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Private Events
Our Detection Dogs Enhance Private and Special Event Security Measures
We are capable of searching private and public events, including small festivals, large arenas and conventions. If you are worried about drugs, weapons or explosives, it's imperative you have a K9 search prior and/or during the event. Remember, you are held accountable for the protection of the individuals attending the venue, so special event security measures are critical.
Our canine comprehensive search is included with our property searches since we feel it is important to have a true sweep of your venue. We will search luggage, vehicles, shipments, persons and more. Once clients, family members or employees become aware of dog searches, they will be less inclined to disrupt the venue.
Increase Special Event Security By Proactively Locating Drugs, Explosives, Guns and Other Weapons with Trained K9s
Luckily for you, our K9s are capable of finding firearms and narcotics in places humans would be unable to reach. Dogs are capable of finding substances under cars, in tires, under seats, in engines and any other area you can or can't imagine. This helps you prove that your venue, vehicles, parking lot, cargo and merchandise are free and clear of illegal and dangerous contraband.
Our K9s are military trained and will effectively sweep your event space or venue to ensure no substances remain. We provide special event security support in all of Florida, Colorado, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, and can accommodate numerous other locations upon request.
To learn more please call us at 855-561-DOGS(3647).